$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] = preg_replace('/.*,\s*/','', $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]);
Notice: Undefined index: related in /data/www/spywareguide/product_show.php on line 49
Notice: Undefined variable: incprefix in /data/www/spywareguide/product_show.php on line 241
Category Description:
A program that can secretly change your dialup connection setting so that instead of calling your local internet provider, your PC calls are routed to an expensive 0900 or international phone number.
This will dial a pornographic number causing massive telephone charges.
Translated from Italian to English:
This is the disclaimer:
Attention: situated classified to the adults This situated one contains of the elements audiovisual aids (images, clip video) and/or of the witnesses to erotico and pornografico character. It introduces moreover of the situations to sexual character that put in scene of eterosessuali, bisexual, homosexual or transessuali the persons. The persons of inferior age to the 18 years, as also those susceptible ones of being annoyed from a similar content, are not authorized to visit this situated one and are they prohibited to approach you directly or indirectly or to telecaricare, to acquire, to visionare, to read, to listen to or to possess whichever document of this situated one, like as an example photographic rows, acoustic rows video, rows, written elements, advertising elements or whichever other message, mass media or contained you belong to this situated one. If an inferior age to 18 years is had, also is formally prohibited to pass to an order for an article or a service supplied on this situated one. Parimenti, whichever not authorized reproduction of the content of this situated one is formally vietata.La consultation of whichever document contained on this situated one is classified to a public adult and in places in which the document consultation such it turns out in conformity with the customs, the rules and the laws in vigor.
Kill the process aconti.exe
and delete the file