$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] = preg_replace('/.*,\s*/','', $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]);
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Category Description:
Virus-like program that spreads automatically to other computers by sending itself out by email or by any other means. A program that propagates itself by attacking other machines and copying itself to the affected machine.
Worms have self-replicating code that travels from machine to machine by various means. A worms first objective is merely propagation. Worms can be destructive depending on what payload they have been given. Worms may replace files, but do not insert themselves into files.
This is a worm that is spread through Yahoo Messenger. The most common message seen distributing this worm is: "never click into the links like something in this image http://quicknews.info/dontclick.jpg !!!"
Once the worm is on the infected PC it has the ability to:
Disable the Task Manager
Disable the Registry Editor
Disable the System Restore
Hides the 'Run' option from the Start Menu
Also will remove all bookmarks from Firefox.
Manipulates Lsass.exe.
Hijacks Internet Explorer.
Drops a Rootkit.