SpywareGuide was featured in one of our favorite tech newsletters-
LockerGnome: "{Guide to stopping spies} Spyware Guide provides information about spyware and adware. The site does clearly state that it does neither agrees nor disagree with the makers of spyware or adware software, and it is NOT a sounding board for debate. It's there as a resource to serve the Internet community. Recently, two spyware programs attacked me; one was from a program that I was testing for you Gnomies (which I immediately removed it from the review list), and another came out of nowhere. I looked them up and this source listed one of them, explaining what it is and how to squash it. I dropped a line to the folks behind the site telling them about the second piece of spyware that I encountered, and maybe it'll be posted soon. Especially nice is the Blocklist File download and the list of companies who create spyware and malware. Take a bite out of spyware!"
Spywarefri.dk: Spywarefri og X-Block har indg?et partnerskab omkring en helt ny, effektiv og lynhurtig onlinescanner udviklet af X-Block, men hvor der ogs? er taget hensyn til id?er fra Spywarefri's team. Fjerner adware, malware, spyware, keyloggers og en del trojaner.
SpywareInfo: A leading resource on the latest in news in the spyware battle. SpywareInfo is dedicated to giving users the tools and knowledge they need to protect their privacy from the onslaught of spyware, adware, and corporate and government surveillance. Uses the SpywareGuide search engine.
Spystomper has found a wonderful resource that's front page worthy. Check out the SpywareGuide. This is an easy to search database of all known spy ware and ad ware complete with link to companies, information about spy and ad ware."
"OC Wizard is an independent technology, hardware & software review site, dedicated to providing readers with the latest news, information, weblinks and downloads from all over the world..."
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